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It's about the service not the crown 

Our Mission:

The focus and emphasis of Ultimate Elite Pageants is to empower women by inspiring them to achieve their personal goals and ambitions while making an impact on the world around them. Our goal is to celebrate the accomplishments of women, serve as role models for future leaders, elevate involvement in community service (not just locally but throughout the Nation and abroad), and uplift their peers through Empowering by Inspiring.  

Our Motto:
Empowering by Inspiring

Our Philosophy:
Simply put, it's about the service not the crown. We use our crowns to better service our communities and leave a positive footprint on the world. 

Our Philanthropy: 
Our national platform is Greatness In Action. Through GIA, we strive to build confidence, teach individuals to use their influence to inspire others to find their personal passion for community service. Our aim
and focus is to encourage others to make a positive impact in the world around them. To learn more about Greatness In Action, please click here.

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